Iskenderun & Adana(Ceyhan)

Iskenderun Gulf: A Strategic Natural Harbor

The Iskenderun Gulf, situated on the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey near the Syrian border, is a natural harbor renowned for its dry bulk port operations. AGS maintains a strong presence in this region, with its own office and dedicated personnel, ensuring seamless access to the ports and terminals located within the Gulf.

Iskenderun Port Overview

  • Location: 36°42’50.4″N 35°58’26.4″E
  • UN/Locode: TRISK
  • Port Type: Large-Sized Port
  • Tidal Conditions: None
  • Multi-Terminals: Yes
  • Local Time: UTC+3

AGS Iskenderun Office

Our Iskenderun office provides comprehensive support, ensuring efficient operations across all terminals in the region.

Covered Terminals in Iskenderun

The Gulf of Iskenderun hosts several key dry bulk terminals, all of which are serviced by AGS through its local office:

  • Limak Terminal
  • Gubretas Terminal
  • Yazici Terminal
  • Assan Terminal
  • Ekinciler Terminal
  • Tosyali Terminal
  • Atakas Terminal
  • Isdemir Terminal
  • MMK Terminal

Limak Terminal

Operator: Limak İskenderun Uluslararası Liman İşletmeciliği A.Ş.
Limak Port Iskenderun, a privately operated multi-purpose terminal, is one of the busiest ports in the Mediterranean region. It handles a wide range of cargo, including dry bulk, general cargo, and liquid cargo. The terminal features state-of-the-art infrastructure, including advanced cranes, conveyor systems, and extensive storage areas.

  • Berths: 8 (1,200 meters quay length)
  • Area: 600,000 square meters
  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Gubretas Terminal

Operator: Gubre Fabrikalari Turk A.S.
Gubretas Terminal is a privately owned finger jetty specializing in dry bulk cargo, excluding scrap. It is equipped to handle a variety of bulk materials safely and efficiently.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax (max 60,000 DWT)
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Yazici Terminal

Operator: Yazici Demir Celik Sanayi ve Turizm Tic A.S.
Yazici Liman Sariseki Iskenderun is a privately operated terminal designed for dry bulk cargo handling. With a capacity of 5 million tons annually, it features advanced cranes and conveyor systems.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, Capesize
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Assan Terminal

Operator: Assan Liman Isletmeleri A.S.
Assan Port is a commercial terminal capable of handling containers, bulk, and general cargo. While its primary focus is container operations, it also accommodates dry bulk vessels.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Ekinciler Terminal

Operator: Ekinciler Demir Celik San. A.S.
Orhan Ekinci Port, operational since 1987, has evolved into a high-capacity terminal handling 6 million tons annually. It is equipped to meet diverse cargo demands with modern infrastructure.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, Capesize
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Tosyali Terminal

Operator: Tosyali Port Iskenderun
Tosyali Port specializes in dry bulk cargo, including iron ore, coal, and grain. It is equipped with advanced cranes and modern facilities to ensure efficient operations.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, Capesize
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Atakas Terminal

Operator: Atakas Liman Isletmeleri A.S.
Atakas Port is a leading dry bulk terminal with a handling capacity of 10 million tons annually. It features modern infrastructure and can handle project cargo up to 280 tons without external equipment.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, Capesize
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Isdemir Terminal

Operator: Oyak Denizcilik ve Liman Isletmeleri A.S.
Isdemir Port primarily handles iron ore and scrap metal. With three berths and a quay length of 600 meters, it serves as a key hub for industrial cargo.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, Capesize
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

MMK Terminal

Operator: MMK Metalurji San. Tic. ve Liman Isletmeciligi A.S.
MMK Port is one of Turkey’s largest private-sector ports, strategically located to serve industrial regions. It can handle vessels up to 100,000 DWT and operates 24/7.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, Babycape (max 100,000 DWT)
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Adana(Ceyhan): A Key Maritime Hub

Adana, located near Iskenderun, hosts three major dry bulk terminals: Sanko Terminal, Toros Gubre Terminal, and Sonmez Cimento Terminal. AGS provides comprehensive services in Adana through its Iskenderun office.

Adana(Ceyhan) Port Overview

  • Location: 36°52’51.9″N 35°57’55.2″E
  • Port Type: Large-Sized Port
  • Tidal Conditions: None
  • Multi-Terminals: Yes

Sanko Terminal

Operator: Sanko Petrokimya Mamulleri San. ve Tic. A.S.
Sanko Terminal, located in Yumurtalık, offers handling and storage services for bulk dry cargo, general cargo, and project cargo. It also provides bonded warehousing and waste management services.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Toros Gubre Terminal

Operator: Toros Tarim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.
Toros Gubre Terminal, established in 1981, handles dry bulk and liquid cargo. It is strategically located near major highways, making it a key transit hub in the Mediterranean.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, Babycape (max 110,000 DWT)
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

Botas Terminal

Operator: BOTAŞ (Petroleum Pipeline Corporation)
Botas Terminal, established in 1974, specializes in the handling of liquid cargo, particularly petroleum and natural gas products. It is strategically located on the Mediterranean coast, serving as a critical hub for energy distribution in the region.

  • Vessels Handled: Tankers (ranging from small coastal tankers to large crude carriers, max 150,000 DWT)
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, bunkering, fresh water, and cargo transfer services for petroleum and LNG products.”

Sonmez Cimento Terminal

Operator: Sonmez Cimento Yapi ve Madencilik Ticaret A.S.
Sonmez Cement Terminal specializes in exporting cement products and handles third-party cargo, including bulk, bagged, and project cargo.

  • Vessels Handled: Coaster, Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, Babycape (max 110,000 DWT)
  • Services: Pilotage, tugboat, fresh water

AGS: Your Trusted Partner in Iskenderun and Adana(Ceyhan)

With a dedicated office in Iskenderun, AGS ensures efficient and reliable port agency services across the Gulf of Iskenderun and Adana(Ceyhan). Our expertise and local presence guarantee smooth operations, cost-effective solutions, and exceptional service quality.

For more information or to request a quote, contact AGS today. Let us handle your port operations while you focus on your core business.